Climate science on the eve of IPCC AR5
Guest : Prof. Markku Rummukainen
Stockholm plays host next week to the release of the first part of the fifth assessment report (AR5) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Scientists and government representatives from all over the world will be in town to finalize the results of Working Group 1 – The Physical Science Basis. Along with being the most authoritative source of climate knowledge, the IPCC reports that are released every six years have a significant impact on political negotiations aimed at controlling climate change.
Think Globally Radio this week discussed the state of climate science with Prof. Markku Rummukainen, who is one of the lead authors of the latest report. He also provides an insider perspective into the rigorous IPCC process of producing assessment reports, an overview on what will transpire next week in Stockholm, as well as some personal insights into the interface between climate science and policy processes.
The Think Globally Radio episode Sept 22 2013