Beyond Copenhagen
with Andew Mitchell, British Ambassador to Sweden
Despite the disappointment expressed by many over the outcome of COP 15, the United Kingdom remains optimistic and sees the Copenhagen Accord as a significant step forward. A recent report entitled ‘Beyond Copenhagen: The UK Government’s International Climate Change Action Plan’ takes stock of where the world stands in the wake of Copenhagen and highlights the significant progress that has been made by recent efforts to combat global warming. It also outlines domestic action the UK is taking to move towards a low carbon economy, and argues for the need of a binding international agreement as COP 16 in Mexico approaches.
Returning to Think Globally Radio this Sunday is British Ambassador to Sweden Andrew Mitchell, who will discuss British climate policy, the state of global climate diplomacy, and the contents of this important report that will help set the agenda for continued international negotiations in the months to come.
The Think Globally Radio episode May 30 2010