Elaborating the Anthropocene: Owen Gaffney
with Owen Gaffney
Think Globally Radio this week speaks with Owen Gaffney, director of international media and strategy at the Stockholm Resilience Centre. Owen has long been deeply involved in developing public understanding of the Anthropocene through his work as communications director at the International Geosphere Biosphere Programme. He also produced the influential short film ‘Welcome to the Anthropocene’ that was screened at the opening of Rio+20, and has authored popular science and scholarly articles on the Anthropocene and Great Acceleration. Topics on this installment in the ‘Elaborating the Anthropocene’ series includes updates on the well-known Great Acceleration graphs, a discussion of important new articles on the Anthropocene and the Planetary Boundaries framework in the journals Nature and Science, and why 2015 may be a potential tipping point in the sustainability struggle.
The Think Globally Radio episode May 3 2015