Sustainable consumption
Guest Christer Sanne December 8 2002 Christer Sanne, associate professor, Tekniska Högskolan, Infrastructure Department arrived to discuss sustainable consumption Download Think Globally Radio 2002 12 08 … more >>
Guest Christer Sanne December 8 2002 Christer Sanne, associate professor, Tekniska Högskolan, Infrastructure Department arrived to discuss sustainable consumption Download Think Globally Radio 2002 12 08 … more >>
Guest : Mats Leijon November 24 2002 Discussing renewable energy and the research within the area. The demand of energy keeps on increasing and plenty of people have a say, could this reasearch bring us closer to a solution ? This discussion between Mats Leijon and Eric Paglia might give … more >>
Guest : Sten Bergman and Mattias Nordström November 10 2002 The supply and demand of electricity that leads to extra use of batteries, fossil fuels etc is part of what was discussed in this very interesting episode of Think Globally. A positive discussing showing there are ways to improve the … more >>
Guest : Jan-Erik Gustafsson and Roine Leiringer October 27 2002 Over a billion people lacks clean water and sanitation. The background of the situation and possible ways to improve it was discussed in the Think Globally studio. Jan-Eric Gustafsson shared information fetched during his visit to Ghana. Download Think Globally … more >>
Guest : James Björgvin Hjorvarsson October 13 2002 The new technology of hydrogen carrying energy. As soon as 2003 the first step is expected to become reality. The gain and technique are discussed during the show. Download Think Globally Radio 2002 10 13 … more >>